
Science Offensive 2018 : TriRhenaTech organises a series of information and networking workshops

The new call for projects of the Sciences offensive will be published in January 2018. In order to support the participation and engagement of Applied Sciences Institutes from Upper Rhine in cross-border research projects, TriRhenaTech organizes a series of information and networking workshops.

Further research actors are welcome to join these workshops as well.

You can find below the workshop program:

Smart & autonomous systems
21.06.2017 – 13:00 h
INSA Strasbourg

Production & Industry 4.0
26.06.2017 – 14:00 h
Hochschule Offenburg

Civil engineering & Mobility
27.06.2017 – 10:00 h
Hochschule Karlsruhe

Medical technologies & engineering
29.06.2017 – 13:00 h
Campus Schwenningen, Hochschule Furtwangen

30.06.2017 – 13:00 h
INES, Hochschule Offenburg

The invitation to these workshops is available here (document in French) or here (document in German). To proceed with inscriptions, please register by E-mail through: or fill in the  online form in French or in German.

Science Offensive 2018 : TriRhenaTech organises a series of information and networking workshops

Conectus, accélérateur d’innovation

La société d’accélération du transfert de technologie (SATT) Conectus Alsace facilite la valorisation des brevets de la recherche publique dans l’économie. En 5 ans, elle a boosté 71 projets pour un montant total de 20,8 millions d’euros.

Conectus, accélérateur d’innovation