Information-events and workshops

In January/February 2018, six information events will be held at various locations in the Upper Rhine area. They are addressed to researchers who are interested in submitting a project and would like to obtain detailed information on the call for projects.

These information events will take place:

  • On January, 23rd 2018, 2pm in Mulhouse (University Haute Alsace)
  • On January, 25th 2018, 2pm in Freiburg (Senatsaal, University Freiburg)
  • On January, 30th 2018, 10am in Strasbourg (Institut Le Bel)
  • On February, 1st 2018, 2pm in Kaiserslautern (Hoschschule)
  • On February, 7th 2018, 2pm in Karlsruhe (Hochschule)

After these information events, 4 workshops will be organized in Euro-Institut in Kehl from mid-February 2018. These aim to help any interested people for the elaboration of the pre-formular of the Science Offensive.

They are the following:

  • On February, 20th 2018 from 10am to 5pm
  • On Febraury, 27th 2018 from 10am to 5 pm.

Every structure wishing bilding a projectteam can take part in one of the four different workshops. If possible, it will be profitable for a projectteam to come together on the same day.

Each workshop will be organized as follows:

  • A first part, dedicated to the presentation of the financial instrument “Science Offensive
  • Then, information to the project management in a cross-border context in the Upper-Rhine Region will be given
  • Finally, participants will receive a personal support for the drafting of the pre-formulars

The link for the inscriptions to the information-events and to the workshops is available here (only German or French version):

The link for the pre-formular of the Offensive Science is available here (Word format)


Please consult regularly these page where information will be currently updated. You can also subscribe to our newsletter in order to be informed about the news of the Science Offensive.
